
Cherry processing plant

/ Location

Cromwell, New Zealand

/ Building Size

25m x 50m with a side height of 3.7m

/ Building Use


/ Special Features

This was a custom-designed coolstore for packing and storing cherries. The building is clad in insulated panelling and has a full hot-dip galvanised structure. 

Industrial agricultural building for Brendan Hamilton

/ About

Cherry growers, this is their main sorting and grading functionality with the cherries being graded by size and quality for the various different markets such as export or local.

/ The Challenge

A local cherry grower was taking processing and packing in-house and required this dedicated building to house the machinery.


Insulated panel cladding.

Large amount of air conditioning for coolstore.

Space for machinery used in the grading process and packaging areas based on different grades.

/ The Solution

A structural solution sourced through a local building contractor. XL Structural Steel was the lead consultant, liaising with other consultants throughout the design and consent processes.

Industrial building specialists

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