
Cirtex Kopu

Status: Completed

/ Location

Thames, New Zealand

/ Building Size

25m x 30m with 7m x 18m single-level offices

/ Building Use

Manufacturing and storage facility

/ Special Features

The offices were designed with Durapanel instead of traditional framing and GIB lining. This provides a more durable wall lining to take the knocks from the harsh environment.

Large manufacturing storage facility

/ About

Cirtex manufactures precast concrete products. The new workshop was designed to suit the casting process, including drains for water management.

Cirtex has seen rapid growth and decided on a specialised facility for its concrete manufacture due to the type of work and the interaction with its other product manufacturing processes. They came to XL Structural as they wanted a lead consultant to work with them on builds in both the North and South islands.

/ The Challenge

The manufacturing facility is a reasonably harsh environment so Cirtex needed a durable, robust design for both the workshop area and the offices and amenities.

/ The Solution

XL Structural Steel provided a 25m x 30m building with single-level offices attached. The offices and staff break rooms feature Durapanel walls to provide a more robust solution to handle the knocks of the working environment. This is one of two projects XL Structural is delivering for Cirtex.

Industrial building specialists

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