
Kiwi Lumber Gisborne

Status: Completed

/ Location

Gisborne, New Zealand

/ Building Size

40.0m clearspan x 65.0m long

/ Building Use

Timber processing plant

/ Special Features

This building is 40.0m clearspan for timber processing and storage. The bays are 13.0m wide to line columns up with the existing building.

Industrial warehouse specialists

/ About

Kiwi Lumber is a privately owned New Zealand company operating four modern sawmills located in the North Island of New Zealand. The four mills located at Putaruru, Gisborne, Dannevirke, and Masterton have a combined production of 250,000 m3 of sawn timber output per annum.

With production wholesaled through New Zealand as well as a range of export markets that include North America, Europe, Australia, Asia and the Pacific Islands, Kiwi Lumber Gisborne needed new storage buildings to keep up with their high level of output.

Commercial warehouse builders
Commercial warehouse designers
Industrial warehouse builders

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