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Status: Completed
Kaikōura, New Zealand
36.0m span x 27m long with a side height of 6.0m
This building is designed for the drying and processing of medical cannabis and is the largest drying facility in New Zealand. The requirements were for a clearspan building that could be extended as the operation grows. One unique feature is the portals designed to support the weight of the cannabis crops, which are suspended from wires to allow them to dry.
Puro is New Zealand's largest grower of medical cannabis and is one of the world’s few accredited large-scale organic growers. They have two sites in the North Island, one outside plant and one purpose-built indoor plant. These sites have been handpicked for their high sunshine hours and intense UV ratings.
When Puro was looking for a new purpose-built building facility they wanted to ensure their new building was a high achiever and adaptable like their team. They needed a building that could be used for various stages of the drying process including housing state-of-the-art drying machines and supporting the weight of the cannabis crops which are suspended from wire curtains to allow them to dry.
The building system needed to be efficient and easy to install considering the remote site location. Puro considered both conventional and unconventional building methods before choosing XL Structural Steel.
Clearspan building design to allow the interior layout to be adapted in the future.
Ability to hang the crop from wire curtains that are suspended off the rafter/portal frames.
Easy and efficient to install.
Vermin proof.
XL Structural Steel's unique double-member portal system was integral in providing a 36m clearspan building design and the structural integrity required for this unique project.
The building was engineered to allow the added weight of cannabis crops which are hung from wire curtains that are suspended from the portal frames.
XL also completed the design and compliance package which included ventilation, fire reports, and designing the building to sit alongside a known earthquake faultline. The XL portal system with bolted connections also made the building easy and efficient to install in the remote location of Kēkerengū.
The unique double-member portal system gives a 36m clearspan design.
Ability to engineer the design for the additional weight of the crop hanging off the portal frame.
Easy and efficient to install.
36.0m x 27.0m long gable building.
6m side height up to 8m apex.
36m clearspan portal design.
Coloursteel cladding.