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Status: Completed
Winton, New Zealand
24.0m x 33.6m with a side height of 5.2m
Agricultural transport storage
Hot zinc spray coating has been applied to all structural steel. Timber purlins were also used to reduce workshop reverberation from inside noise and weather.
Sinclair Transport is a trucking business that services the agricultural industry. This building was designed as their business hub and included an office and amenities as well as a truck storage and maintenance area.
The existing site that Sinclair Transport was using had been sold with a set-in-stone handover date so the company had a limited time to find a new property. The build time itself became a challenge during the project as there were delays in obtaining consent. This was a factor the XL Structural team needed to overcome.
7x bays, with 3 closed in.
Amenities for staff such as toilets, showers, and a staff room.
4x drive-through bays for trucks and machinery.
Time deadlines were met by XL Structural Steel and the construction company despite external delays. This was achieved through good communication and holding steel stock on hand so it was available at short notice.
Bird-proofing for the agricultural setting.
The design was easily adapted to the exact requirements of each area.
Health & Safety and productivity benefits in having the trucks under cover - maintenance space for all weather conditions and no need to de-ice.