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Gore, New Zealand
20.0m x 48.0m long with a side height of 6.0m
6.0m x 48.0m cantilevered canopy
This warehouse was designed to match the existing workshop on-site. It includes a 6m cantilevered canopy and large roller shutter doors in each bay.
Webbline is a leading NZ provider of grass, forage harvesting, feed-out equipment, telehandlers, and other related agricultural equipment.
Their head office is currently based in Hamilton (Waikato), and they have branches in Manawatu, Southland, and Canterbury, with sales and service covering all of New Zealand.
Webbline had previously been using third-party logistics (3PL) for the storage of some of their bale wrap/consumable products. They were looking for a more efficient option in comparison to 3PL so needed additional storage to manage this in-house.
This new storage building at their Gore branch allows them to hold stock in advance of their clients' busy harvest season.
A building to match their existing workshop.
Large roller shutter doors in all bays.
Cantilevered canopy for extra shelter.
XL Structural Steel provided the full design and building construction along with the installation of large roller shutter doors in all bays. The building included XL Structural Steel's unique RHS portal design along with enclosed purlins to the canopy giving a zero-perch canopy design.
XL Structural Steel's unique RHS portal design achieved the 20m unobstructed span without the need for obtrusive knee braces and apex braces.
Canopy designed with enclosed purlins rested between XL's RHS rafter design giving a zero bird-perch design.
20m x 48m long gable storage building.
6m cantilevered canopy on one side.
20m clearspan design.